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Join us for online or in person training

Online training

Our online training goes for 1.5 hours and is delivered by one of our Ambassadors, Annette Leishman, who lives with vision loss. She provides engaging and informative training that covers: 

  • Common eye conditions
  • How to communicate effectively to people with vision loss
  • Strategies for adapting sport/recreation for people with vision loss
  • Inclusive language to use with and around people with vision loss
  • How to offer sighted guiding to someone with vision loss

Online training is subsidised by the Mabel Foundation Community Grant and is offered at no cost to attendees.

Participants will receive a certificate of completion after finishing the training.

Bookings are essential and spaces are limited.

Available online training sessions 2025:

Tuesday 18th March, 10:30am to 12pm
Wednesday 2nd April, 5:30pm to 7pm
Wednesday 23rd April, 5:30pm to 7pm
Tuesday 6th May, 10:30am to 12pm
Wednesday 21st May, 5:30pm to 7pm
Tuesday 3rd June, 10:30am to 12pm
Wednesday 18th June, 5:30pm to 7pm
Wednesday 2nd July 5:30pm to 7pm

 Book your online Vision Loss Awareness Training now 


In person, customised, in depth and interactive training

Our 3 hour in person training sessions are provided by BSRV's very experienced and passionate Vision Loss Awareness trainer, Miriam Bilander.

The following topics are covered in the training sessions with additional time for practical exploration of sighted guiding techniques.

  • Common eye conditions
  • How to communicate effectively to people  with vision loss
  • Strategies for adapting sport/recreation for people with vision loss
  • Inclusive language to use with and around people with vision loss
  • How to offer sighted guiding to someone with vision loss

Additional content can be specifically tailored to your organisation’s needs and interests.

Miriam often has one of our Volunteer Ambassadors join her in the training sessions, to share their experience of living with vision loss or blindness.

Please contact us by phone or email to discuss your training needs and to obtain a quote for our training services.
03 9822 8876



What people have to say about the Vision Loss Awareness Training -

"A Very informative and inclusive session.
The presenter gave great insights and shared their personal experiences of living with vision loss."

"The training was a great combination of theory and practical engagement.
I can use what I learnt today to support sport and recreation events for people with vision loss along with BSRV."



Vision Loss Awareness Resources

Listed below is a range of free resources to support our Vision Loss Awareness Training: 


BSRV Inclusive Training videos for sport and recreation providers on inclusion of people with vision loss.

Watch BSRV Inclusive Training video 1 - Knowledge, Awareness, Barriers, Eye Conditions, Impact & Engagement.

Watch BSRV Inclusive Training video 2 - Strategies, Communication, Guiding and Support.




This web page was made possible through the generous support of the Mable Foundation and by the Victorian Government through the Together More Active Grant.